Constitution (2006 – 2009)

This constitution is not currently in effect. On December 15th 2009 it was amended by popular vote.


This organization shall be known as The Union @ Cooper Union.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

  • To secure the conditions necessary to provide the greatest rewards for its members in their work environment;
  • To promote the participation of its members in the operational decisions affecting their employment;
  • To promote the welfare and well‑being of its members;
  • To promote the unity and strength of its members.
  • To promote mutual assistance and cooperation with the New York State United Teachers and other organizations with which it is associated;
  • To expose and fight all forms of racism and discrimination; and
  • To promote social and economic justice and the principles of the American labor movement.


This organization shall be affiliated with the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and its national affiliates and such other organizations as the Executive Board may approve.


There shall be the following membership categories: Active and Retiree.

Active membership in this organization shall be open to any person who is a member of the bargaining unit represented by this organization.

Retiree membership in this organization shall be open to members of the bargaining unit represented by this organization who have retired.

Membership shall be acquired and maintained through the payment of all required dues.

All members of this organization shall have the obligation to:

subscribe to and support the stated purpose of this organization as contained in its Constitution and By-Laws; and

refrain from actions or conduct detrimental to the organization.


The general officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Duties of the President. The President shall:

  • Be chief executive officer of the organization;
  • Administer all affairs and execute all policies of the organization.
  • Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and general membership.
  • Represent the organization with all external groups.
  • Create and establish the function of all committees with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.
  • Appoint and remove chairpersons and members of committees with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.
  • Call regular and special meetings of the Executive Board and general membership.
  • Fulfill such other duties as the office requires and as are consistent with this constitution.

Duties of the Vice President. In the President’s absence, the Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President and shall perform such other duties as the President may designate.

Duties of the Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer shall perform those duties usual to those offices and such other duties as may be required by the President or Executive Board.

The Secretary shall:

  • keep and maintain accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and of the general membership;
  • assist the President with the correspondence of the organization;
  • be responsible for sending out meeting notices;
  • keep and maintain all correspondence and records of the organization including election reports and ballots and committee and officer reports;
  • and deliver all records of the organization to her/his successor at the end of her/his term of office.

The Treasurer shall:

  • hold the funds of the organization;
  • disburse the funds of the organization upon authorization of the Executive Board;
  • transmit amounts due to NYSUT and AFT;
  • keep and maintain accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements;
  • prepare for an annual audit or financial review as required by the AFT constitution and policy;
  • keep the President and Executive Board informed of the financial condition of the organization;
  • keep and maintain all financial records of the organization;
  • and deliver all records and accounts of the organization to her/his successor at the end of her/his term of office.


The Executive Board shall appoint an ad hoc Elections Committee to conduct and monitor each election held by the organization.

Notice of the offices to be filled, the right to make nominations, and the time, place, and proper form for submission of nominations will be published in the organization’s newsletter and/or announced in a letter from the Elections Committee and be prominently posted in each work site.

Nomination procedures shall be determined by the Executive Board and shall be in compliance with the requirements of the Landrum‑Griffin Act.

Each active member in good standing shall be given reasonable opportunity to nominate candidates for office and to run for office; any active member in good standing is eligible for nomination for office.


Written notice announcing the time and place of elections shall be mailed to each active member in good standing to the member’s last known home address at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election.

Election shall be by secret ballot.

The results of the election shall be published in organization’s newsletter and/or announced in a letter from the Elections Committee and posted prominently in each work site.

The Secretary shall preserve all election records, including ballots, for a period of three (3) years.

Terms of Office. Duly elected officers shall serve a two (2) year term commencing September 1 and concluding August 31st. Each officer shall remain office until her/his successor assumes the office.


If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the office of President.

If any other office becomes vacant, it shall be filled by election by the Executive Board until the next election is held by the general membership.


In addition to the general officers of the organization, an Area Representative shall be elected by vote of the active members of the organization within areas as specified in the By-Laws of the organization.

The procedure for nominating candidates for Area Representatives and for their election shall be determined by the Executive Board and shall comply with the requirements of the Landrum-Griffin Act.

The Area Representative shall be the Chief Steward for her/his Area and shall serve as a member of the Grievance Committee on all grievances originating from her/his Area.

In the event an Area has more than 25 active members, one Deputy Steward for every additional 25 active members or portion thereof in the Area shall be elected by vote of the active members of the organization in the Area.

Area Representatives shall:

  • assist members of the bargaining unit in her/his Area with applications for membership and grievances;
  • provide members of the bargaining unit in her/his Area with a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement;
  • inform the active members in her/his Area of the proceedings of the Executive Board;
  • promptly inform the President of all issues brought to her/his attention as potential grievances;
  • and serve as the communications link between the active members in her/his Area and the Executive Board.

Deputy Stewards shall assist the Area Representative in the performance of her/his duties.


Officers, Area Representatives and Deputy Stewards may be recalled by vote of the membership.

A recall election may be initiated in the same manner as provided for Amendments to the Constitution (Article XVI).

Notice of the date, time and place of the recall election shall be sent to all active members and posted at each job site at least ten (10) days prior to the election. The vote shall be by secret ballot.

In the event two-thirds of the ballots cast are in favor of recall, the office shall be declared vacant.


The Executive Board shall be composed of the duly elected officers, the Area Representatives and the Deputy Stewards.

The Executive Board shall:

  • Approve an annual budget;
  • Act upon expenditures as may be required;
  • Interpret the By-Laws;
  • Act on policy matters for the organization between the meetings of the general membership;
  • Make policy recommendations to the membership for their consideration;
  • Approve committee appointments; and
  • Act as an appellate body for appeals from decisions of the Grievance Committee.


Chairpersons and members of standing and ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval a majority of the Executive Board. There shall be the following standing committees: Grievance; Solidarity; Membership; and Good and Welfare.

The duties of the standing committees and of ad hoc committees shall be determined by the President with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.


Delegates to the NYSUT Representative Assembly, the American Federation of Teachers and other affiliates shall be elected by secret ballot in a manner consistent with the Constitution and By-laws of the appropriate state and national organizations and with the Landrum‑Griffin Act.


Every active member in good standing of this organization shall have equal rights and privileges to nominate candidates to hold office, to vote in elections or referendum, to attend membership meetings, and to participate in deliberations and voting upon the business of the organization in accordance with the By-Laws of the organization.

No member may be fined, suspended, expelled, or otherwise disciplined (except for nonpayment of dues) by this organization unless such member has been served with written specific charges and given a reasonable time to prepare a defense and afforded a full and fair hearing.

Except as provided for in Article X above, no officer of the organization may be removed from office unless such officer has been served with written specific charges and given a reasonable time to prepare a defense and afforded a full and fair hearing. The process for removal for cause shall be as set forth in the By-Laws.

This organization shall show no discrimination toward any individual or group of individuals on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, creed, color, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or political activities and beliefs.


Approval or disapproval of any Collective Bargaining Agreement with the employer shall be determined by a majority vote of the active members in good standing of this organization present and voting at a membership meeting called specifically for that purpose.


An amendment to this constitution may be proposed by

  • a majority of the Executive Board; or
  • a petition from no fewer than twenty (20) percent of the active members.

A proposed amendment must be posted in a conspicuous place in each work site and/or distributed in writing to each member at least five (5) days before the the vote on its adoption.

An amendment may be adopted by a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of active members in good standing at a general membership meeting.


Meetings of all duly constituted bodies of this organization shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.

Adopted: September 2006.